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Kristie is an experienced and adaptive educator, sharing the tools of analog and digital photography with young people as a means for creative expression, personal storytelling, and social awareness. She has developed and implemented several photography programs in informal learning environments for organizations including Marwen and After School Matters, and has created photo-based arts integration curriculum for Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education (CAPE).

With years of experience in the darkroom, Kristie specializes in analog and alternative processes, with significant experience instructing gelatin silver printing, cyanotypes, pinhole photography, and material experimentation. Her teaching practice also prioritizes expanding visual literacy and critical thinking skills by introducing students to the work of notable artists, in the classroom and through field trips to a variety of cultural institutions, reflecting her enthusiasm for utilizing exhibitions as a touchstone for experiential learning. She has organized and led field trips to places such as the Art Institute of Chicago, the Museum of Contemporary Photography, Filter Photo, Renaissance Society, Garfield Park Conservatory, and the Harold Washington Library Center's Special Collections.

Her programs have included: learning to shoot and process 35mm and 120mm black-and-white film; traditional darkroom printing; studio lighting; learning to use a DSLR camera; pinhole photography; building a camera obscura; lumen printing; cyanotypes; solargraphy; and a variety of techniques including film double-exposures, collage, self-portraiture, and creating a photo essay.



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